We seek to build transformational movements in partnership with Africa’s brands.
AWE-The Festival
From a sociological perspective, the median age of Africa is adolescent. The Adolescent Wellness Festival (AWE-The Festival), which promises to be the biggest series of adolescent events in Africa, is a behaviour shaping, perception moulding and confidence building campaign for the African youth and adolescent. Designed in partnership with TSAGEandTBOG Consult, AWE-The Festival is a veritable opportunity for brands seeking to secure the loyalty of the African market.
We Are All Africans
From access to vaccines to the socioeconomic effects of lockdowns to global perceptions and narratives of Africa as the continent confronts COVID-19, the
“We Are All Africans” campaign positions your brand as the facilitator of global efforts towards building Africa’s resilience against the pandemic.
Bring Back our Brides
The UNODC estimates an annual profit of $150 million generated in trafficking along the smuggling route from East, North and West Africa to Europe. In partnership with Africa’s brands, BBOB seeks to flip the narrative of trafficking and sexual exploitation through strategic investments in the transformation and empowerment of the survivor African woman. –